Election post


Since arriving at UCL and joining the Muay Thai society I have gradually become more and more involved with the society. I thoroughly enjoy the sport and the club has enabled me to meet lots of people who I've learnt a lot from; not just about the sport but about uni life in general.

This is why I would like to nominate myself for a position on the committee, as I want to be as involved with the society as possible. I also want to be able to help newcomers feel as welcome as I was made to feel this year, and I think a role within the committee provides a good opportunity for that. 

I am nominating myself for the position of treasurer as I think it is most suited to my skillset. Studying Physics, I am highly proficient at working with and manipulating large datasets. I also studied economics at A-level, which would help with the financial side of the role. 

Thanks for considering me for the position, Cameron.