Election post


Joining the society as a newbie to a predominantly male dominated sport can be a daunting experience. However, I hope to promote the friendliness of the club via social media and share all the positive aspects of participating in the best combat sport at UCL. Since joining at the start of the year, I have loved coming to training and even after a long day at uni, I always find myself feeling much more positive and refreshed after a session. I would therefore love to encourage others to experience this. As your Public Relations Sec, I aim to use our social media to engage with current members and build our community, as well as attracting new members to join.  

Having trained as a competitive swimmer for over 10 years, alongside balancing academic studies, I have learnt to time-manage efficiently and will transfer these skills into my role. A fully proficient Instagram user and photographer, I will ensure that our feed stays regularly updated with training, fights, socials and more (i.e. Phil’s sock choice for the day).  

Thanks for reading, 

Phi :)