Election post


Hello everyone! I’m Lavine, a 3rd-year medical student, and I would love to take on the role of Social Secretary. As a “fresher” in the club this year, I have really enjoyed the friendly and welcoming atmosphere. I’ve found this society to be a great way to make friends and chill alongside the intense training. Therefore if elected, I will be committed and passionate about continuing that. :)

As Social Secretary, here are some of the following ideas, I would be keen to make them implemented:
-      Continue the tradition of regular sports night and watching fight games together
-      Holding more social activities outside of MMA related so we can get to know each other better and maintain a sense of community
-      Increase our visibility on campus
-      Be inclusive for students of all levels who would like to join the club either as fighters or social members
-      I will also look into hosting a more formal, large-scale ball

For the past 2 years, I have been part of different teams organising social events for the Medical School and other societies such as AMSA, and therefore I believe all these experiences will help me succuss in my role next year.