Election post


Hey everyone! I am Olivia and I want to be one of your MedTech Vice Presidents.

Since I already have MedTech committee experience from being first year representative this year, I am familiar with the inner workings of this society. As a dependable and proactive committee member, I often take the initiative to do tasks outside of my required duties. For the mentorship programme I took on a lead role by introducing a new topic for the last week of the programme, assisting the coordinators with significant decisions and securing mentors from big pharma companies.

Therefore, I would feel confident as Vice President in making choices on behalf of the society to bring high quality events to members while maintaining the professional connection our society has to MedTech specialists.

Additionally, my degree, Medical Innovation and Enterprise, is flexible enough for me to dedicate a lot of time to the role and it connects me with medical start-ups that I would introduce to the society to provide field-specific insights and hopefully career opportunities.

As Vice President I would passionately oversee the organisation of the society to implement my many improvement ideas, such as: introducing events for innovation in MedTech by collaborating with ‘UCL Innovation and Enterprise’, ensuring the society has regular in-person social events and organising more independent speaker events to cover every field under MedTech.

I would really appreciate your vote!