Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Faye and I’d like to apply for the role of Community Outreach Officer! Having been in the committee for the past 2 years, I've had the opportunity to co-lead the Mentorship Programme and work with the Senior Team on ways to improve our society. I've gained a lot from my fellow committee members, and I’d still love to be a part of it all. 

As Community Outreach Officer, I will be responsible for: 

1) Keeping our society active throughout the year using our newsletter to connect our members to opportunities and the latest news in MedTech. I aim to include: links to various short videos and articles. 

2) Work as part of the MedTech Portal Team to create a sub-committee team of writers to ensure regular and consistent uploading of materials onto our website. 

3) Bring back the Hackathon to give our members the opportunity to practise transferable skills and meet like-minded people! I’d love to invite CEOs from start-up companies to share their journey. I aim to collaborate with the UCL Innovation and Enterprise department to run "entrepreneurship skills" workshops. If I am elected as Community Outreach Officer, I'm happy to take the lead on organising this event and work in a subcommittee team to bring this to life. 

I really appreciate your time taken to read my manifesto. I hope to be a part of the committee again!