Election post


Hi, I am Clara, a second-year student in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and this year I am running for treasurer of the Medieval Society!

Like many of you, I am very much interested in the medieval times, therefore I would like to share my interest with you by being part of the committee.

My passion for medieval started as a teenager, as I read my first historical novel The Pillars of the Earth, narrating about the fictional events happening during the building of a cathedral in England in 1100.

I am very passionate about paintings, architecture and literature of the Medieval and Renaissance times. My interest grew in high school and I also cultivated this interest in art by learning about great painters of the Middle Ages like Giotto and Cimabue in my free time.

In high school I also learned Latin, a language I personally enjoy a lot to translate from. 

As treasurer my objectives are:

  • Preparing a budget plan to keep track of expenses of the society;
  • Ensuring that members of the society have free or reduced price for every museum tour and event organized by the society;
  • Establishing good collaboration with other committee members to ensure the society expenses are well programmed and affordable.

I have already been a member and I can say that this society gave me so much in terms of experiences which really make memorable moments! So, I hope I can continue to have a great fun time next year with all of you,

Thank You :)