Election post


Through my initial introduction to society in a pub quiz, MPBE soc has taken an increasingly higher spot in my priorities over the course of this academic year. Working as an outreach & welfare executive, tips from senior members consolidated my previous time management and leadership experience, allowing me to acclimatize to life at UCL. Working as a small part of the larger machine taught me the inner workings of a particular department and how communication between these departments occurs concurrently to ensure the sound running of a whole society. I am now in a position to take on more responsibility, for which I believe the vice-president position would be an excellent opportunity, giving me a chance to continue honing my interpersonal skills whilst also reciprocating the warm and invigorating welcome I had once received by contributing back to the society itself. If elected, my first steps would be to create nurturing atmosphere by increasing representation throught the society, ramp up efforts to market the society among current engineering societies and the wider UCL Student Union, and bring exciting guest speakers to show MPBE’s unlimited potential.