Election post


Hi comrades!

I’m Sergio, HPE student and current Marxist Society President. I’ve been involved in socialist organisations and pressure groups since I was 14 years old back in my home country. We are living in a time of global crisis that requires revolutionary ideas, it is crucial that we educate ourselves and spread the ideas that can fight against the most pressing issues of our lifetime. It's essential that the youth plays a part in building the revolutionary forces of Marxism.
Being a Marxist is a continuous journey of dedication, struggle and study and I intend to do that journey with all of you. Sharing the tools and ideas to challenge the system as well as creating a meaningful socialist community within campus should be the core tasks of this Society. We aren't merely a discussion group, we are a vehicle for the fight against the commodification of higher education. It is us, the young people, that have the power to radically transform society. As Trotsky said: “Life is beautiful, let the future generations cleanse of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full”✊✊