Election post


Hi - I am Bernard Siow and I am running for Vice President and Welfare Officer for the UCL Malaysian Society!

  1. Why am I running?
  • When I first landed in Heathrow, I was very intimidated. I was in a foreign land with no connections! 
  • Thankfully however, this feeling did not last. UCL MSoc has always served to provide Malaysian students a second home. 
  • If elected, I will do my best to carry the experience forward and ensure every MSoc member can have a second keluarga in London. You have my word :D

      2. What will you do if elected?

  • Lead and assist the Board
  • Implement MSoc Family Bingo
  • Improve the MSoc Family System
  • Expand the Jom Makan Program
  • Promote general wellbeing

      3. Why am I the right person for the job?

  • Leadership: I have plenty of leadership experience so I promise I know what I'm doing! This includes subcommitee posts in UCL Law Society, the RD program and previous posts in high school debating, MUN and guitar!
  • Initiative: I am proactive which is necessary for the VP role - a flexible job with no clear job scope. 
  • Wellbeing: My other responsibility is Wellbeing Officer and I will do my utmost to ensure the wellbeing of members.

This is just a summary for what I have to offer! Do consider your vote for me; for more details, check out my manifesto here: https://imgur.com/a/vWcpGog