Election post


Hi! I'm Myra and I'm running for MNight Director because MNight is literally all I live for right now! What MNight gave me is unquantifiable: a sense of belonging, of community, of people I could meow at and not have them cart me off to a therapist - a sense of home, where we are so far from right now, because London is always cold and rainy and unfriendly and does not even have good mee kolok. I'm running for director because I want to provide this community for anyone else coming to UCL, who might feel adrift and who are searching for new friends, who want to have an incredible, fun experience with familiar faces from home, and find their sense of self - whether that's in the spotlight, acting or singing or dancing or meowing or all four - or to be involved in the process of making the theatre magic happen, to produce from thin air the reality of the performance through props, or lighting, or stage bookings, or excel spreadsheets on budgeting. I stand for this position because I believe with the experience and skills that I have, from long years being involved in stage cast, crew and production for several theatre productions, I can give UCL MNight the best MNight it deserves, and do so in a manner that's inclusive, safe and welcoming for everyone looking for a little taste of home. Listen, I have a Vision for next year's MNight already! Please trust me. My cat trusts me - you should too.