Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Shanae and I am applying for the role of Events Director as I would love the opportunity to contribute to MSoc. Moving to a new country is a daunting experience for everyone, which is why I am appreciative of the friendly environment MSoc provided for me and would like to give back. 

I am confident that I will be able to smoothly execute all new and existing MSoc events as I’ve had multiple years of leadership experience. Being a part of the RD programme has also given me a glimpse of the logistics and legwork that goes behind planning an event for MSoc. Moreover, I am an individual that is detailed-oriented, adaptable and strives to be a teamplayer at all times— qualities I believe are imperative for an Events Director to possess.

If elected, I aim to host more inter-events, namely, more inter-year events to increase interaction between MSoc members throughout the different cohorts and more inter-Msoc events with other London universities as I believe it would be great to connect with fellow Malaysians outside of UCL. Furthermore, I would like to improve on the MSoc family system to better foster the bonds between parents and their respective children. To help achieve these aims, some of the events I hope to organise include a scavenger hunt, a Masterchef-like competition, theatre trips and many more!

I would greatly appreciate your support! :) 

And yes, that is the Main Library in the background of my picture.