Election post


Hi! My name is Jacob and I'm delighted to be running for the role of President this year. You may have already seen me around (most likely at a sports game or social event). If not, let me introduce myself. I'm a second-year physics student and the current Vice-President of the society, as well as one of the first to join the society even before we were officially registered. 

I’ll aim to strengthen our current relations outside the society and build even more new ones. My goal will be to grow our community as much as possible while retaining the closeness we have. I want to make it easier to connect with your 'fellow Mallu', whether that be over the internet or in person. I plan to use online closed chatrooms that will allow people to talk to one another whenever they want and run more casual meet and greet type events for you guys to really get to know each other. 

Celebrating my Malayali heritage has been a massive highlight of the past two years, and I'd love for everyone in society to feel the same. I'll work closely with the cultural side of the committee to bring you guys’ events centred on Malayali culture, and with the financial side to bring sponsorship and funding to the society. My agenda will also include improving society and making the space warmer and more inclusive. I'll look to create suggestion boxes for you guys to have your say in how the society is run.

If you've made it this far, thank you, and I hope I've earned your vote! :)