Election post


Hi, my name is Will, and I am running to be your President!
Being involved with LMS has truly been the highlight of my university experience so far. Getting to know and perform with some of the most friendly, talented, and diverse crowd of people that UCL has to offer has made me eager to further my involvement with the society. If elected President, I would ensure that LMS remains a hub for creativity and a safe space for all. 
As Live Music President, my priorities would be the following: 

-As musicians and as students, to have access to a conveniently located rehearsal space with equipment that doesn’t drain our wallets in the form of the SPR (Sound-Proof Room) is such a privilege to have. I would like to follow up on the SPR’s recent renovation by opening a booking system which would allow members of LMS to easily access this facility in bookable time slots. 
-The best thing about LMS is undoubtedly the people you meet and the sense of community that is fostered over a shared love of music. And so, I will aim to keep the society as welcoming and inclusive as possible to performers and non-performers, newcomers and returning faces alike. I hope to make this possible by making sure the society has an active social media presence, and working closely with the rest of the committee to respond to feedback and concerns.

Thank you for your consideration (and let’s continue the streak of Korean LM Presidents).