Election post


Hello! I'm Chris and I'm running for Events Officer!

As president last year, I've been heavily involved in the organisation of events. I've personally organised both the Fresher's and Refresher's Extravabandza, which involved managing over 100 musicians and MDs, and the multiple gigs and open mic nights Live Music has hosted across the past year. I've liaised with bands, external/internal venue managers, and the Student's Union in order to deliver successful events, as well as hosting these events as an MC. I've demonstrated my organisational skills and ability to adapt on the fly through running these events.

I have a thorough understanding of the society's structure and our event capabilities, as well as the required knowledge of technical setups and administrative processes that would lead me to being an effective Events Officer. My past year being involved in the arts has also given me a perspective of the way the Student Union is run, and I have built connections with other arts societies and Union staff which would allow me to host ambitious intersociety events and produce small scale shows.

I have the drive, skillset, and creativity required of an Events Officer and a deep passion for Live Music Society. I hope to be able to continue my committee duties into the new year and fulfil your expectations. Thank you!