Election post


My name is Laura, a first-year Politics and IR student (currently Head Columnist of the Diplomacy Review news column) running for the role of  Diplomacy Journal Secretary.

The two values I would bring into the role would be transparency and reactionary behaviour. Transparency means that I value the importance of honesty and success within the society and the Diplomacy Review: having the ability to understand everyone’s wishes and aspirations for the association and consequently acting towards catering to each of your needs. Reactionary behaviour comes as a result of things gone wrong; which is inevitable in an ever-changing, fast-paced environment, ardently striving towards the organisation of an academic year filled with academic opportunities and journalism experiences. I am well accustomed to the need to always adapt, complete certain unforeseeable tasks at the last minute, at uncomfortable times, so that our common goals are well achieved.

I look forward to bettering my journalistic skills but also engaging with other aspects of the publishing process and serving as a liaison between the members of the Diplomacy Review, the society itself as well as beyond. I wish to expand the journal's importance and collaborate with other associations such as the International Relations, United Nations and Amnesty International ones. I promise to do my best to advance the journal to its best capabilities.

Thank you for your trust!