Election post


After a fulfilling year with Museums Society, I hope to give back as your Treasurer for 2023/24!

I’m meticulous, reliable and manage my time well. As Treasurer, my priorities will be to not only manage the society’s finances but support the rest of the committee as much as possible. My plans are:

  1. Oversee society spending and keeping our finances organised. Given that many of our events are free, I understand that much of the Treasurer’s work is behind the scenes in processing receipts for reimbursements or liaising with the SU. I commit to prompt and efficient processing of society funds and internal communications, so that event planning and member satisfaction can take centre stage.
  2. Look into introducing first-year representatives. To further assist the senior committee and also nurture future leadership potential, I hope to explore the feasibility of implementing ‘junior committee’ roles.
  3. Being a good team player. Beyond just my duties as Treasurer, I will support our Events Directors and President in the planning (and execution!) of events and our Marketing Officer in outreach — both for our valued members, and beyond to grow the society.

Having led in my college’s Student Council, House Directorate and environmental movement, I am confident that I have the management & organisational skills to do well on the Museums Society committee. I hope to put all of this to good use, so I would love to be given the privilege to serve in next year’s committee! Thank you!