Election post


Mindfulness meditation has become such an important part of my life over the past three years. 

I have found mindfulness society’s weekly Tuesday sessions a wonderful space to meditate, and the feeling of group meditations feels so unique, especially for the majority of people who primarily meditation on Mobile apps.

In the upcoming academic year, I would like to use UCL Mindfulness Society as a vessel to get more people feeling the benefits of meditation. Possibly we could do a "beginner" to “professional” meditator programme, to give a clear and attainable progression to build the habit of meditation for people. This could perhaps be boosted by some subsidised membership to Headspace or Calm when they get a membership to UCL Mindfulness, which will also boost subscriptions and give us more money for hosting events. 

Moreover, I would love to run high profile speaking events with people at the top of the field of meditation– for instance meditation instructors from Calm or mindful pioneers such as Wim Hoff. This could raise the profile of the society, lure people into the wonderful world of meditation or expand the mind of those experienced meditators who are already hooked. 

Mindfulness Society is incredible, and I think it has incredible potential over the upcoming year.