Election post


I love the Mental health society and all that it does to educate students on mental health issues and how to help others, while at the same time providing the necessary tools to tackle our own personal issues. It is often hard to be able to help our friends when they are going through a tough time because we might not know what to say or what they need. Moreover, sometimes we cant even see that our friends need help because they are able to hide it.  That is why I would like to be next years Academic Officer, so that I, myself, can learn more about mental health and make sure that others do too. This is a great way of getting people to talk about mental health issues and make people feel less alone, as well as learning more about ourselves and grow.

I believe that between the knowledge I am gaining with my Neuroscience degree, along with my own personal interests and traits I can do a good job as an Academic officer. I'm also very excited to get to work with the rest of the people in the commitee who are also aiming to help others in the same way.