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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run26 May 2023
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running9
Available position1
Total ballots23
Valid votes23
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Sofia Anyi Oliviero [14847]1.00
Ayman Asaria [14943]8.00
Tarisha Kaushik [14965]1.00
Sohum Sen [15122]4.00
Yoki Wang [15188]2.00
Lorenzo Aragon [15261]1.00
Stella Champeaux [15273]2.00
Julia Wozniak [15346]4.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 11.50. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Sofia Anyi Oliviero [14847]1.00
Ayman Asaria [14943]8.00
Tarisha Kaushik [14965]1.00
Sohum Sen [15122]4.00
Yoki Wang [15188]2.00
Lorenzo Aragon [15261]0.00
Stella Champeaux [15273]2.00
Julia Wozniak [15346]4.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Candidates Sofia Anyi Oliviero [14847], Tarisha Kaushik [14965], and Lorenzo Aragon [15261] were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate Lorenzo Aragon [15261] was chosen to be eliminated by breaking the tie randomly. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Lorenzo Aragon [15261] and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 11.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Sofia Anyi Oliviero [14847]0.00
Ayman Asaria [14943]8.00
Tarisha Kaushik [14965]0.00
Sohum Sen [15122]4.00
Yoki Wang [15188]2.00
Lorenzo Aragon [15261]0.00
Stella Champeaux [15273]3.00
Julia Wozniak [15346]4.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Sofia Anyi Oliviero [14847] and Tarisha Kaushik [14965]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 10.50. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 4
Sofia Anyi Oliviero [14847]0.00
Ayman Asaria [14943]8.00
Tarisha Kaushik [14965]0.00
Sohum Sen [15122]4.00
Yoki Wang [15188]0.00
Lorenzo Aragon [15261]0.00
Stella Champeaux [15273]3.00
Julia Wozniak [15346]5.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Yoki Wang [15188]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 10.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 5
Sofia Anyi Oliviero [14847]0.00
Ayman Asaria [14943]9.00
Tarisha Kaushik [14965]0.00
Sohum Sen [15122]4.00
Yoki Wang [15188]0.00
Lorenzo Aragon [15261]0.00
Stella Champeaux [15273]0.00
Julia Wozniak [15346]5.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Stella Champeaux [15273]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 9.00. Candidate Ayman Asaria [14943] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Ayman Asaria [14943].


Tarisha Kaushik

Hey everyone, I'm Tarisha, an international student studying BSc Anthropology. The upcoming year will be my 3rd year at UCL and I would love to be a more active participant of the MedTech society. I have a keen interest in technology and artificial intelligence and its implications in the world of medicine. I've previously participated in MedTech events and conferences and am committed to organising more of such interesting, relevant and engaging events. As a part of the committee as an Events Officer, I would work to make these events more inclusive, and accessible to STEM disciplines and beyond with interdisciplinary focuses and the opportunity to engage with exciting tech developments in the field of medicine in more interactive ways. Thank you for considering my nomination and I hope I can count on your vote. 

Sohum Sen

Hello everyone! My name is Sohum, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Events Officer of MedTech. As a third-year Mathematical Computation student, I have been on MedTech committee for 3 years, serving in various roles ranging from Technology Officer to most recently Treasurer.

As Treasurer, I had the privilege of working closely with the President and senior team to achieve our goals. Some of my biggest accomplishments are:

  1. Advising the planning and leading the execution of our first in-person AI in Med conference in 3 years, which was a huge success, with over 200 tickets sold.
  2. Growing our member base to an all-time high, making MedTech one of the most active and vibrant societies on campus.
  3. Securing large sponsorships for the first time ever, allowing us to fund more initiatives and increase our scale.
  4. Being the go-to contact for all matters with the Students Union ranging from navigating form submissions, to liaising with them whilst on tight deadlines and managing finances.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to earn your vote for Events Officer of MedTech.

Sofia Anyi Oliviero

Hello! My name is Sofia Anyi Oliviero, and I am a first year Medical Innovation and Enterprise student. I am really excited to run for the role of Events officer of MedTech society.

Having attended MedTech’s society’s socials and events this year, the club has cultivated an encouraging and informative environment, which I believe is so important for students. The opportunities that MedTech Society offers for students are endless, whether that be to further your career in the MedTech industry or to gain insight on the most exciting new topics in BioMedicine and Healthcare Technology. I have learnt so much more about this rapidly expanding industry this year, therefore I would love to be Events Officer of MedTech Society in order to have a role in organising exciting events that provide more students with the opportunity to gain passion and knowledge in this field as well as inspire them.

I believe I have the necessary skills to excel in the role of Events Officer as I have excellent time management, communication, teamworking , and organization skills which I have developed through balancing a part-time job throughout my sixth form and university studies. My skillset would be extremely valuable to me in organising important events to ensure they run efficiently. I also feel that I am creative and open-minded, therefore I would constantly seek to come up with a variety of different events covering all aspects of MedTech, to ensure all members of the society feel their interests are valued. Playing such an integral role

Lorenzo Aragon

Hey fellow MedTech enthusiasts :) 

This is Lorenzo, a first year of Biomedical Engineering. Having chosen this degree, I am particularly motivated (as I’m sure we all are) by how we can leverage ever-progressing technologies to solve age-old healthcare issues. For instance, this summer, I will be participating in one of my department’s studentships where I will contribute to the development of a ‘Compact robotic manipulator for MRI-guided neurosurgery’. 

Having previously worked both as the Student Council President and the head liaison for my secondary school’s service and charity clubs–thereby becoming familiar with the process of hosting school-wide assemblies, fostering collaboration, and coordinating events–I am confident that I possess the necessary abilities to be a successful events officer at MedTech. 

As Events Officer, I would organize a variety of events that cater to our members' needs. This includes inviting experts for talks, facilitating networking with professionals, and hosting socials. I would prioritize creating a vibrant and inclusive environment that promotes learning, career growth, and community within the MedTech field, while seeking feedback from members and stakeholders to continuously improve our events.

I admire the drive of MedTechSoc members and I would love to contribute to this community.

Stella Champeaux

I'm a medical student at UCL intercalating in Maths and Computing in Medicine next year. I'm standing for Events Officer because, as well as adding to my knowledge of medical tech through my intercalation, I want to actively contribute to developing MedTech UCL into a society which is interactive for its participants and keeps piquing interest through varied topic areas within MedTech. I think there's room for growth in coordinating collaborative Events between UCL societies and other universities, tailoring events to what UCL members want to explore in terms of keynote topic and potential speakers and mostly an opportunity for interaction and discussions for people within the society, who all have interesting ideas and backgrounds that I believe we can leverage more!

My personal interests include genomics, health informatics, SEO and data science, and I work with Pharmaceutical companies to leverage their presence online. Recently, I have been involved in their R&D for the use of AI to optimise online marketing - something I'd be happy to help MedTech with to increase its presence as a society.

All in all, I have a great admiration for MedTech events so far, I especially enjoyed the AI and Women in Tech Conference last year, and hope to be able to bring forward new ideas for speakers, topics of talks and new formats of events which allow participants within and outside of the society to interact more actively and contribute to discussions of topics that interests them. 

Yoki Wang

Hi everyone!

I'm Yoki and I would love to be next year's Event Officer for MedTech. Having joined MedTech this year, I have enjoyed taking part in the events organised by the society. This year, numerous MedTech conferences have emphasized the vital importance of innovation in healthcare. Inspired by this, I am enthusiastic about organizing even more events to delve deeper into the application of MedTech across various fields.  

I have several goals related to organizing events in the field of MedTech:

  1. I aim to arrange more engaging events that focus on machine learning in healthcare, intelligent health, telemedicine, AI in healthcare, future medical devices, and health tech innovation. These events will provide valuable insights into the MedTech industries and offer networking opportunities for like-minded individuals.
  2. I plan to organize a variety of technical workshops, including Python, Java, or Solidworks workshops, to equip participants with essential technical skills for MedTech.
  3. One of my key objectives is to increase attendance and participant turnout for events. I will achieve this by hosting entertaining MedTech-related events that appeal to individuals from diverse educational backgrounds.

Most importantly, if you have any alternative ideas for events or specific skills you wish to learn, please stay in touch with me. I am more than happy to discuss your suggestions and make every effort to bring them to fruition.

If you support the idea of having more exciting events in MedTech, please consider voting for me!

Ayman Asaria

Hi! I’m Ayman (& my kitten Kiwi:)

As the current AI in Medicine chair for MedTech I achieved some significant milestones:

-A turnout of 200+ at our flagship AIM conference

-Pushed our society membership to reach 300+ this year. MedTech= BNOC

-secured sponsorships of £700+ and a collaboration with a non-profit at our conference


I have worked closely with this year’s team at numerous events & have a great understanding of the skills a successful events officer would need. as events officer I would like to achieve these goals:


  1. Increase interuniversity collaboration: at university I find it is common to acquire tunnel vision when it comes to your degree, but the field of MedTech is interdisciplinary by nature. I hope to foster collaboration between individuals from all backgrounds in more informal settings


  1. Host a start up fair: I organised a start up fair at this year's AI in Med conference which was a huge success, boasting a range of start ups and even practical demonstrations. I would love to take this further as it's a more accessible way to network


  1. Space out our events: As the current AI in Medicine chair, I had a unique perspective on the inner workings of our conferences. I believe spacing our events out would allow us to overcome some of these challenges we have faced this year


I am excited to continue fostering the positive and curious environment which I have loved this year at MedTech, and would be honoured if you vote for me :) 

Julia Wozniak

Hi! My name is Julia and I want to be your next MedTech Events Officer.

My main aim is to improve our community, help our members develop their knowledge of newest innovations & applications of medical technology and get you guys excited for your future medtech careers!

In the last year, I have been involved in organizing the Technology panel on the UCL Leaders conference, where we discussed the applicability of AI in healthcare and integration of start-up technologies into the health sector. I learned a lot about organizing large-scale events, communicating with potential speakers and finding topics of interest for the participants. Speaking with the leaders of their fields, made me realize how relevant and vital the implementation of technology into the health sector is. Now, I am constantly trying to find new ways to develop my knowledge in the field.

I want to help organize events where your interests are thoroughly explored, which includes teaching events and workshops on medtech from both the business and development side. I want to open our members onto new possibilities within the field and work closely with other societies to expand your interest and help you improve your CVs, network, develop your understanding of the field and prepare for your future.

I believe that with my passion and experiences, I have the skills, understanding and motivation required to become your events officer.

I’m excited to start my work with you soon! See you at society events;)