Election post


Through this position, I want to maintain good relationships with sponsors and achieve new sponsorships with the right companies. I have noticed that in our list of sponsors, we lack sponsors from law firms and firms for engineering students. With this in mind even as an economics student, I will want to secure a more diverse range of sponsorships for our society. In addition, I want to hold more in-person/online events so our members will have the exclusive opportunity to interact with corporate figures, leading to many beneficial interactions. 

Why should you vote for me? Firstly, I have experience dealing with affiliates as the Marketing director of AMEU. Through this, I have realised that helping and also getting help from affiliates can be underrated and is significant. Moreover, I am confident and able to hold conversations with adults. I will use this to my advantage and form connections with corporate figures beyond just a sponsorship basis.

I want to provide MSOC with the ability to make our members feel that they have support and also a way the bridge the gap to gaining more knowledge about the various industries, raising corporate awareness, and to provide exclusive opportunities. If selected, I look forward to working with the existing committee and definitely learning a lot on a personal note. With that, I want to thank everyone for being here with me today and I would appreciate it if you voted for me.