Election post


Hiya, I am running for the position of Secretary of the Hiking Club. I have not been member of the Club for long, but this brief time has been the best I have yet had at a society or club. I have fallen in love with the early weekend rises, the rolling English landscape and conversations with fellow hikers. 

I am running for Secretary because I know that the Committee currently is working at the limit in order to enable weekly hikes and termly residentials. I am also conscious of the great demand of hikes in the UCL community and that not everyone can get a ticket to join a hike. Since there is a planned expansion in hikes to twice a week, I would love to be a part in making this happen so that more people get to have the enjoyment of mud, mud and more mud. As a Secretary, I would not only be involved in making sure that the work of other Committee members proceeds smoothly, but also in the planning of hikes when needed, and in responding to Club Members when they have questions and concerns. My work would also involve managing the website that holds a great potential to publicize the activities of the Club more broadly. I would also be involved, if only peripherally, in planning more socials so that even in-between hikes the Club is bustling with life.

I hope you will vote for me and allow me to contribute to the hiking community that has already given me so much joy and many experiences!

See you on the next well-trodden path towards adventure!