Election post


After realising that a career as a footballer wasn't for me, I decided that I would try acting instead (and I haven't looked back.) Through working in different roles in the industry over the last seven years, I have managed to build strong friendships, meeting  amazing people and collaborators; therefore as workshops officer (with Ava) I'd hope to build a similar collaborative community within UCL. I would love to create opportunities to learn from people in small workshop environments, given by professionals that I would kill to have known about and met when I was just starting out. Likewise, Ava and I both are eager to explore and offer professional training opportunities for those within Drama Soc who may have liked to, or are still planning on attending drama school. We would love to be able to invite teachers in to run classes on different techniques such as Meisner or Adler in order to allow members to explore the work of different practitioners, helping them to select which they prefer, which would help them develop their craft to the next level. Ultimately Ava and I are just passionate about reaching out and making the society more inclusive, allowing everyone equal access, experience and knowledge about an industry which can often seem like a closed door. Ava and I would love to take on this role together and expand the Drama society network within UCL and beyond.