Election post


Whilst my turnout at socials has been inconsistent at best and I generally fear any large social gatherings in which I have to interact with people, I am still nominating myself for this role. Although you may know question why I would wish to stand for this role, I answer you simply in the words of Miley Cyrus: 'Life is all about having a good time.' Furthermore, the influence of alcohol tends to make me far more personable and chatty, ensuring I can truly become a 'social' social secretary. My experience in hospitality and bar work, despite making me resentful of the human species, means I somewhat know how to organise a fun time. Lastly, my undying love and passion for CheeseGrater and my hopes for the role of social secretary is highlighted by the fact that I actually hate cheese (the sight of it, to touch it and to smell it), however for CheeseGrater I am willing to provide proposterous amounts of cheese personally at social events.