Election post


Hi! I’m Rebekah, I’ve been part of The Cheese Grater since the beginning of the year and I’ve mostly been involved in investigations and the zine. In this time I’ve helped interview for and write the recent UCL East article, collected the results of a poll around the Portico, created art for the zine and won a Graters pub quiz (woohoo!).

I have a lot of experience doing art and online editing:

  • I was online editor for my own journalism website which was a collation of articles written in local schools (so I can use Canva and WordPress).
  • I was editor-in-chief of two high school magazines. This involved compiling and formatting them online.
  • I also like to draw! I painted the cover for an edition of my school’s history magazine.
  • For a year, I wrote monthly pieces for the online news website This Is Local London so I'm consistently organised.
  • As pictured on the left, I’m so dedicated to The Cheese Grater that I once sat at Institute with my laptop out so we could meet an article deadline.

Some fun ideas:

  • I care deeply about making pretty instagram reels using invaluable knowledge I gained from GSCE art ;)
  • As someone who likes drawing and writing, I'd like to make sure we can create more graphics per article and share them on social media. 
  • I’m keen to use the role of online editor to garner even more engagement with the magazine because I think the issues we cover are so important! (Fun infographics, Instagram polls etc.)