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Society Development Award Nominations are now closed for the academic year 23/24.

If you have submitted an application, please note the results will be shared at the Societies Awards on Friday 31st May 2024.

This webpage will be updated with new nomination information for next academic year 24/25.

What is Society Development?

Society Development is an opportunity for society leaders to work with union staff to identify, develop and improve their society's activities and aims through a structured development plan and award scheme.

Through the society development scheme societies will be able to improve the standard and range of activities they offer their members, upskill society officers and volunteers, and raise the profile of their society within the wider UCL community. Societies can achieve a bronze, silver or gold award based on the strength of their nomination and supporting evidence.

How do we get started?

To get started, download the Society Development Plan Template and browse the development criteria below to get some inspiration. If you would like to arrange a development meeting, email the Activities Team at [email protected].

How do we nominate our society?

Societies can nominate themselves for an award for their achievements during the 2023/24 academic year through our webform. The webform for nominating your society for the Societies Development Awards 23/24 is now closed.

Society Development Award Nomination Form

Before you nominate your society for a Society Development Award, please ensure:

  • Your society is affiliated with Students' Union UCL
  • Your society meets the minimum society criteria:
    • You have 30 members
    • You have completed Annual Registration
    • Your committee members have completed the required training modules
    • All committee members have bought a standard membership to their own society

What is the criteria?

Contributing factors to the awards have been broken down into key areas you should consider when creating your Society Development Plan and when completing your nomination. This is not an exhaustive list of items and other equivalent developments that have helped your society excel in an area will be considered.

When nominating your society for a Society Development Award, you need to clearly demonstrate how you meet as many of the criteria as possible and the steps you have taken to develop your society. You will be graded on how many criteria you meet- the more you meet, the better!

Please include as much evidence as you can within the word limit on the nomination form. We recommend submitting a file for evidence at the end, but make sure all your content is collated on one file per society.

Society Engagement and Communications


This society has increased its membership by 10% from the previous academic year

This society has attended two events aimed at recruiting new members (e.g. Welcome Fair, January Welcome)

This society has run at least three taster sessions aimed at recruiting new members over the academic year

Society Events and Opportunities

This society has run an event or workshop with an external speaker

This society has run an event that develops career insights for its members

This society has provided opportunities for its members to gain a skill or qualification

This society has run a new or innovative large-scale event

This society has partnered with another society or club for an event

Society Engagement

This society is open to beginners or has run an initiative to engage and develop beginners

This society actively engages with society alumni (e.g. via an alumni newsletter or by hosting an alumni event)

This society hosts creative socials that are not centred on alcohol

This society has partnered with another society or club for a social event

Communications and Social Media

This society posts varied and professional content on social media on a regular basis

This society has ensured that all communications are compatible with screen readers and all videos are subtitled

This society sends out regular newsletters to its members

This society has been the focus of a news story published on the Students' Union UCL website

This society has contributed content to a Students' Union UCL newsletter

Society Governance

Democracy and Committee

This society has attended a development meeting with the Activities Team

This society has an up-to-date Development Plan that has been submitted to the Activities Team

This society has held at least three minuted committee meetings per term

This society has achieved 60% voter turnout in a by-election (e.g. term 1 by-election)

A committee member has attended a Skills Session

Budgeting and Finance

This society has kept an accurate record of its finances and discussed the budget during a development meeting

This society has run an event that raised over £200.00 for their non-grant account

This society has diversified its sources of funding via sponsorship or a Friends' Trust grant


This society has promoted one measure of sustainability (e.g. ensuring no single-use plastics are used at events)

This society has held a specific event that aims to raise awareness around issues of sustainability

This society has endeavoured to ensure that all products purchased for activities and events are sustainably sourced or recycled

This society has worked with the Student Sustainability Ambassadors or Sustainability Officer to create a spotlight article, workshop or event


This society has introduced an initiative or event in which welfare was the leading priority

This society has partnered with a mental health charity for an event or fundraising campaign

This society has circulated information to all members which signposts all Students' Union UCL wellbeing resources and services

All committee members have attended the Active Bystander training

This society has arranged Active Bystander training for its members

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

This society has run an initiative to improve Postgraduate engagement

This society has activities that are suitable and adaptable for disabled students

This society can demonstrate its membership and activities are good value for money

All access information about activity and event venues is published on the society webpage, events and social media

This society has hosted a Liberation Month event or actively engaged with a Students' Union UCL campaign

This society has partnered with a community organisation or SU Officer to support underrepresented groups taking part in its activities more regularly

Effective Community Impact and Projects

Students' Union UCL Community

This society has run an event at UCL East

This society has a team in a TeamUCL League

This society has supported a TeamUCL campaign or event

This society has partnered with or engaged with a Project Active event

This society has achieved 60% voter turnout in the Leadership Race


This society has actively promoted volunteering opportunities to its members

This society has run a one-off volunteering event through the Volunteering Service

This society has set up a recurring volunteering project through the Volunteering Service


This society has run one fundraising event or campaign (raising over £100.00)

This society has run two or more fundraising events or campaigns (raising over £250.00)

This society has raised over £1000.00 throughout the year



We will also consider other equivalent ideas that have helped your society excel and develop. Please include any other events, campaigns or projects your society feels is worth noting on your nomination form