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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run28 Mar 2022
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running5
Available positions2
Total ballots46
Valid votes46
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Emilia Robson [7744]17.00
Maria Klimczak [7886]7.00
Emilia K Hannis [8031]14.00
Philippa Sha [8972]7.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 15.34. Candidate Emilia Robson [7744] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes, but since candidates can be safely eliminated, the transfer of surplus votes will be delayed and candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Emilia Robson [7744]17.00
Maria Klimczak [7886]7.00
Emilia K Hannis [8031]14.00
Philippa Sha [8972]7.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Emilia Robson [7744]15.34
Maria Klimczak [7886]7.00
Emilia K Hannis [8031]14.48
Philippa Sha [8972]8.08
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count after transferring surplus votes from Emilia Robson [7744]. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 4
Emilia Robson [7744]15.34
Maria Klimczak [7886]0.00
Emilia K Hannis [8031]19.48
Philippa Sha [8972]8.08
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Maria Klimczak [7886]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Emilia K Hannis [8031] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Emilia Robson [7744] and Emilia K Hannis [8031].


Maria Klimczak

I’m running for social sec because even though I only joined lacrosse this year, Wednesday socials have become the staple of my week :) I am always the one trying to convince people to buy Scala tickets and I’m there literally every single week even though I don’t always remember being there the next day! To be honest I don’t really know how to play lacrosse but that’s just because I’m so dedicated to being a more social member… I’m ready to be a pillar of support for the team in matches by being there to celebrate their wins or drown their sorrows. 

I’m a friendly person so could get the new freshers involved and feel welcome to the club- we could play more group drinking games at the Taste of India dinners, and generally at Phineas, so everyone gets to know everyone properly. Maybe one of those secret location weekend trips to somewhere in the UK could be fun, or some wholesome non-drinking things too. Oh, and drunk (but safe) lacrosse would be kind of jokes too? But maybe that’s a bad idea I don’t know…Anyway I love the lacrosse club and would love to be your social sec!!

Maria xx

Emilia Robson

i am once again asking you to have me as your social sec 

Unfortunately for my liver I'm coming back for another year of this. Partially because I can't hack not having queue jump and missing my pre-scala kfc, and partially because I am a fiend for fancy dress, I've loved being social sec this year. After putting blood, sweat and (literal) tears into Laxmas, let alone the many injuries I've had in socials, I think I am qualified for another year of running our Wednesday nights. I promise to more firmly establish the UCL Lacrosse tiktok account I made and then forgot the password for, to increase curry consumption and also to live laugh loop (sorry, scala) every week. Genuinely though, I love the club and I'd be really happy to make everyone enjoy it as much as I have the last two years! 

xoxox the swaggiest student in scala (source, the tab…

Emilia K Hannis

My attendance to socials has been pretty exemplary, I’ve always made it to Scala rain or shine and standing. My regular attendance at socials has also led to my drinking tolerance skyrocketing so I can better hold my booze and bring good vibes on a night out. Next year I would be keen to have a firm plan for upcoming socials, so everyone would have more time to sort good costumes avoiding the mad post devs dash to primark. In terms of new ideas for next year I’d like to do more joint socials with other socs and some women's club only socials and when the going gets tough more welfare events. I have a lot of ideas for next years, some sort of booze filled assault course classics like back to school, dress as committee and farmyard. I’d also be keen to engage the club in more outreach activities such as volunteering. Lax forms a big part of my social circle, so I know the club, am very approachable and always keen for feedback. I have fully thrown myself into every social this year and had the best time however if I’m going to be social sec I vouch some sobriety. I understand the importance of welfare in this role, I've attended sexpression and active bystanders workshops to try and promote safety on nights out. The social aspect of lax has been a huge part of my first year and immensely fun so I would love to give back to the club as your social sec; to ensure that everyone has a great time and feels included on a Wednesday night. 

Philippa Sha

Hi everyone. I’m standing for Women’s social sec because not only am I a true lacrosse enthusiast, but I am driven to achieve a positive, supportive and fun-loving community for all. My commitment to the role can be demonstrated by my unmatched dedication to every Scala theme (visual aids are available), and my extensive range of ideas to cover all types of social events, whether that be non-alcoholic, formal or chilled vibes. Women’s-only romcom night, spa/pamper day, boat party and UK city breaks to name a few, not to mention an end-of-year party hosted at the top of the Shard. Social connections to Imjustucl and a certain campus-renown BT tower fan account give me influential power which I will use to promote Lacrosse not only as a sport but also as a welcoming and friendly community. If elected, I promise to put in just as much effort into the role as into my themed outfits, and truly revolutionize the social side of lax. To prove my dedication, my first act as social sec is already underway – the varsity afterparty to end all varsity afterparties. Be there or be square!!