Election post


i am once again asking you to have me as your social sec 

Unfortunately for my liver I'm coming back for another year of this. Partially because I can't hack not having queue jump and missing my pre-scala kfc, and partially because I am a fiend for fancy dress, I've loved being social sec this year. After putting blood, sweat and (literal) tears into Laxmas, let alone the many injuries I've had in socials, I think I am qualified for another year of running our Wednesday nights. I promise to more firmly establish the UCL Lacrosse tiktok account I made and then forgot the password for, to increase curry consumption and also to live laugh loop (sorry, scala) every week. Genuinely though, I love the club and I'd be really happy to make everyone enjoy it as much as I have the last two years! 

xoxox the swaggiest student in scala (source, the tab https://thetab.com/uk/london/2021/12/07/clubbers-of-the-week-scala-edit…