Election post


My attendance to socials has been pretty exemplary, I’ve always made it to Scala rain or shine and standing. My regular attendance at socials has also led to my drinking tolerance skyrocketing so I can better hold my booze and bring good vibes on a night out. Next year I would be keen to have a firm plan for upcoming socials, so everyone would have more time to sort good costumes avoiding the mad post devs dash to primark. In terms of new ideas for next year I’d like to do more joint socials with other socs and some women's club only socials and when the going gets tough more welfare events. I have a lot of ideas for next years, some sort of booze filled assault course classics like back to school, dress as committee and farmyard. I’d also be keen to engage the club in more outreach activities such as volunteering. Lax forms a big part of my social circle, so I know the club, am very approachable and always keen for feedback. I have fully thrown myself into every social this year and had the best time however if I’m going to be social sec I vouch some sobriety. I understand the importance of welfare in this role, I've attended sexpression and active bystanders workshops to try and promote safety on nights out. The social aspect of lax has been a huge part of my first year and immensely fun so I would love to give back to the club as your social sec; to ensure that everyone has a great time and feels included on a Wednesday night.