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UCL Lacrosse is one of the largest and most social clubs at UCL, boasting seven teams of all abilities across our Women’s, Mixed, and Men’s divisions (from complete beginners to national level players). 

For regular updates, please follow our instagram, or join our WhatsApp group - link in bio.

Our Teams

Our Women’s 1st and 2nd teams play in the BUCS Premiership and Division 1 leagues respectively. Teams train on Mondays 6pm - 8pm at Somers Town Community Sports Centre and play BUCS matches on Wednesdays around London across the south of the country.

Our Mixed 1's and 2's play in the LUSL league on Sundays around London. A more relaxed environment than the 1's and 2's, Mixed is a great way to meet new friends and bond over playing on a sunday. Come along to Somers Town development training to speak to the captain and find out more. 

Newcomers to the sport are especially welcome! With our development team reaching around 100 members last season, we have a very strong beginners’ presence and encourage anyone who hasn’t played Lacrosse before to come along to a training session and give it a go!

For more info on practices, games and socials, please use our Instagram account or join our WhatsApp group - link in bio.


Our club has a very large social element. We have many social members and are one of the most heavily represented clubs at UCL’s Sports Nights. We have regular socials with our men’s club on Wednesday nights, team socials, whole club events and an annual formal lacrosse ball too. We also offer an annual international tour to all of our members, with recent destinations including Lisbon, Budapest and Prague. 

This year we have a new 'mini-tour' to Northern universities including Newcastle and Edinburgh! Purchase our social membership for access.


Women's lacrosse places a very strong emphasis on looking after the wellbeing of our members. Our club has a dedicated welfare officer, pride in sport and fresher representatives, and several welfare events taking place throughout the year, to keep our members happy and healthy both on and off the pitch.

This year, we've also put together a Welfare Handbook to signpost our members to helpful services and to highlight the ways in which our welfare officer can help you.


We offer several tiers of membership this year:

Our Taster Membership (Free) gives you access to our mailing list, merchandise and Facebook groups. This is only valid until the 14th of October.

Our Social Membership (£15) will give you access to all our social, including but not limited to, tours (International and Domestic), sports nights, pub nights and inter-club activities.

Our Training and Development Membership, i.e 'Devs', (£25) will give you access to all equipment, kit, weekly training sessions, pitches, a development coach and to all our social events. This membership is recommended for beginners.

Our Mixed Membership (£45) is required for friendly games - mixed play - and will grant you all the above, to all our social events as well as mixed games. 

Our Competitive Membership (£75) is required for competitive play and will grant you all of the above, social, mixed, as well as strength and conditioning sessions, additional stick skills and fitness training and the ability to play our BUCS fixtures. 

Members can upgrade their membership at any time, so feel free to start with a social membership whilst you're getting settled at UCL. 

More Information

You can get more information by:

Following + DMing us on Instagram: @Team_UCL_Lacrosse

Emailing the club:

Joining our Women's Club Facebook Group: 

Joining our Joint Club Facebook Group:

Liking our Facebook Page:

Having a look on our website:

Contacting our President:

Our Venue Access information is listed here


UCL Lacrosse Club have signed the Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Pledge 


This Club is Pride in Sport Accredited 


P.S. If you're keen to play Men's Lacrosse you'll need to buy membership here:


Lacrosse AGM
14/03/2025 | 18:00 - 19:00
Lacrosse Varsity 2025
23/03/2025 | 12:00 - 18:00