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Human Trafficking Foundation
The Human Trafficking Foundation emerged from the work of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, with a focus on shaping policy and legislation to combat human trafficking. Its mission is to equip parliamentarians, policy makers, government departments, local authorities, police, and statutory agencies with the knowledge and tools needed to understand the…

The Human Trafficking Foundation (HTF) is dedicated to combating modern slavery and human trafficking by supporting and coordinating efforts among local authorities, NGOs, and other stakeholders. As part of our ongoing research, we are exploring the impact of employing specialist modern slavery coordinators within local authorities. We aim to demonstrate the economic impact of these roles by conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis.

We are seeking a dedicated research volunteer to assist in devising and conducting a cost-benefit analysis of specialist modern slavery coordinators. This analysis will provide crucial quantitative data to complement our existing research, helping to validate the effectiveness and economic value of these positions. This task will require the volunteer to think creatively and with initiative. 

  • Collaborate with the Human Trafficking Foundation to define the parameters and scope of the cost-benefit analysis.
  • Identify and gather relevant data, with support from the Foundation, to ensure the analysis is comprehensive and accurate.
  • Think creatively to jointly set parameter of the analysis, gather data and undertake the research. 
  • Perform the cost-benefit analysis, including calculating potential economic benefits and costs associated with employing specialist modern slavery coordinators.
  • Interpret the results of the analysis and contribute to a report summarizing the findings, which will be used to inform policy and advocacy efforts.
  • Consider costing models for different types of local authorities
Who will the volunteers be working with?
Projects and Partnerships Lead as the main point of contact, as well as Policy & Partnerships Officer and Director of Operations

Time commitment

Between 4-8 hours a week, aim is for project to be finished by beginning of December 2024
Application deadline

UCL Departments

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

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