The Human Trafficking Foundation emerged from the work of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, with a focus on shaping policy and legislation to combat human trafficking. Its mission is to equip parliamentarians, policy makers, government departments, local authorities, police, and statutory agencies with the knowledge and tools needed to understand the complex and evolving nature of human trafficking. By fostering a deep understanding of this issue, the Foundation aims to ensure that policies and legislation can quickly adapt to new trends and challenges in the fight against modern slavery.

In addition to influencing policy, the Human Trafficking Foundation plays a crucial role in amplifying the voices of NGOs, civil society, and voluntary organizations dedicated to eradicating modern slavery. By providing a unified platform for these groups, the Foundation helps to identify and address shortcomings in current policies, ensuring that gaps in the system are recognized and tackled effectively. Furthermore, the Foundation is committed to identifying and exploring new types of interventions that can make a significant impact in the rapidly changing landscape of human trafficking. Through these efforts, the Foundation strives to create a more coordinated and effective response to the ongoing challenge of modern slavery.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Researcher
The Human Trafficking Foundation (HTF) is dedicated to combating modern slavery and human trafficking by supporting and coordinating efforts among local authorities, NGOs, and other stakehold