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The Museum of the Home
Our volunteers are integral in making everyone feel welcome at the Museum of the Home, preserving our historical and green spaces, and helping with our events and learning activities.We welcome anyone who wants to get involved. For most of our volunteer roles, you don't require any special experience, qualifications or skills; as long as you're enthusiastic and passionate, we'd love to have you…

We’re looking for volunteers to support us in re-opening our Collections Library, a purpose built research space here at the Museum.


Home has many meanings, from the buildings we live in to a feeling that goes beyond a specific place. The Museum of the Home’s purpose is to reveal and rethink the ways we live, in order to live better together. It is a place to explore and debate what home means.    


We’re looking for Collections Library Volunteers to work alongside the curatorial team to deliver a high standard of customer-focused collections access in the Museum of the Home’s research and study room. Volunteers will help welcome researchers to the library, assist with general enquiries and ongoing upkeep and reshelving aspects. 



In this role you will: 

  • assist the curatorial team with welcoming researchers to the Collections Library and explaining how to use the space  
  • ensure the security of the collections by supervising researchers  
  • assist with retrieving, reshelving and auditing the library study collection  
  • contribute to the ongoing care of the collection  
  • help to research and answer basic queries about the collection  
  • assisting with collections management and library maintenance tasks (e.g. cleaning) within the library.  

Time commitment

There are opportunities for volunteers across all of the Collections Library’s open days (Tuesday – Friday) for whole between 10am and 4pm. Ideally we are looking for an initial commitment of three months.

We reimburse travel expenses up to the value of £12.70 per return journey and Lunch expenses up to the value of £5, if undertaking a full day, when receipts are provided
Application deadline

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.