Full-time leadership roles (Sabbatical Officers): They're a group of seven full-time paid students who each have differing areas of responsibility. They represent all students at UCL and have specific remits which cover: clubs and societies, women, postgraduates, black and ethnic minority students, international students, democracy, your welfare and your education. These officers are elected for a year and either take a year out of their studies to do the job or do it just after they graduate.

If you have any questions about applying for a full-time role as a Sabbatical Officer (questions about visa's etc.) then we've got a handy FAQ section you might want to check out, or get in touch with us at [email protected]

Part-Time leadership roles: These officers volunteer their time and lead change alongside their studies. There's a wealth of part-time roles available, with officers representing a diverse range of interests and identities within the University, campaigning for the things that really matter to you. ​

Find out more about the positions available 

Sabbatical Officers (Full Time) 

Student Officers (Part-Time) 

Student Groups (Part-Time)



Sabbatical Officers


Student Officers 


Student Groups 



BME Network:



Disabled Students' Network:



LGBT+ Network: 



Women's Network: 



Intersectional Representatives (belong to both liberation networks):