In June, a panel convened from our elected Activities Executive ruled that UCL Men’s Rugby would be placed on suspended disaffiliation. This decision was the outcome of a serious complaint made against the club and their behaviour. The terms of the suspended disaffiliation allowed the club to compete this academic year with the knowledge that any further indiscretion would result in immediate disaffiliation.


We are clear to all of our clubs and societies on what we deem appropriate behaviour and providing an inclusive and accessible environment is a central part of our operation. We invest heavily in training and developing our clubs and provide regular, ongoing support through our dedicated staff team. Our activities programme is one of the largest in the UK; we support over 300 clubs and societies, and over 14,000 students participate in regular events and activity in a safe, inclusive and accessible way.


On 4 December 2018, a complaint regarding the behaviour of UCL Men’s Rugby was made to the Union. After investigating this complaint and meeting with club representatives we have taken the decision to disaffiliate them from the Union, effective immediately.


We are taking appropriate and measured action in making this decision, protecting the autonomy of our activities programme which is led by our members. The student panel convened from the elected Activities Executive set clear terms and expectations for the behaviour of the club and these expectations have not been met.


We will be working hard to ensure that the actions of a small number of individuals will not impact those wishing to participate in rugby and we will seek playing opportunities for students not subject to these complaints in external clubs.


The club will have the right to appeal directly to our Board of Trustees. This disaffiliation does not affect our women’s or medics teams.