It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

The Volunteering Team at Students’ Union UCL is all about helping you to achieve great things. By working directly with hundreds of UK-based charities and not-for-profit organisations, we have a constant flow of exciting and rewarding opportunities for you to get involved in.


Celebrating Student Volunteering Week at Students' Union UCL
Student Volunteering Week, 10 - 16 February, is a national celebration where universities and schools across the country step up to organise opportunities and events to celebrate students who have volunteered as well as encourage more of their students to volunteer and help local communities.
Reflections on a Big Help Out
What's a Big Help Out?Our 'Big Help Outs' bring a group of students together for a day of giving back, meeting new friends, all while supporting local community organisations.
"... this partnership made me feel braver about taking on other projects"
Laura from Coin Street shares her experience working with Empovthise UCL, a student-led project that focuses on improving technological literacy and achieving digital equity.
Volunteering brings something really unique to my time here in London