It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Motion Summary 

Resolves to have plastic free venues, reduce the environmental impact of the Union and demonstrate the Union’s commitment towards sustainability.


What students need to know (this meeting notes) 

  1.        Eight million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans every year and contributes to serious environmental damage.
  2.         One-use plastics are used by Union venues because they do not have the facilities or budget to provide reusable receptacles. E.g. plastic cups during busy club nights and socials.
  3.        Several students have noted their frustration with plastic cups in Union venues
  4.        Trinity Saint David's Students' Union, Sussex Students' Union and Sheffield among others have introduced plastic-free venues.
  5.        The plastic-free policy has the backing of the president of the Conservation Society and the Sustainability Officer.
  6. This policy has been incorporated into the Students' Union Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan as this is an ongoing piece of work

What Union Council thinks about it (this meeting believes)

1. The Union Council should represent it's members interests and do all it can to encourage a sustainable Union. 

2. Students’ Union UCL should strive to be the most sustainable Union in the country.


What we should do (this meeting resolves)

1.  Ban the purchase of single-use plastic in Union venues including bars and cafes

2. Ensure the DOCO and Sustainability Officer lead on a financial assessment of this policy and a timeline for implementation

3. Be transparent about sustainability initiatives and communicate this policy effectively, providing updates in the all-student email.