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How does the Union decide what it believes in?

We often take a stance on key issues, both on and off campus. This can be a pledge to change something at the Union or a campaign to lobby for change at UCL or further afield.

Each policy starts with you. You can submit a policy proposal that will be debated at one of our three Policy Zones (Education Zone, Activities Zone, Welfare and Community Zone). Once passed at a Zone meeting, policies are then ratified by Union Executive. Our policies are set democratically, and are binding for two years.

You don’t need to be a member of a Policy Zone to submit an idea, and you don’t need to attend for it to be presented (the Chair can do so on your behalf). If you have an idea for a new policy or feel that we should amend one of our existing policies you should fill out the following form:

For more information on decision-making, you can view Amendments to Governing Documents which, when passed, form the Memorandum and Articles of Association and Bye-Laws.
Reference code Title Lead officer Progress Origin Lapses
UP2309 The Union should lobby UCL to expand Project Period into a university-wide initiative Welfare & Community Officer Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2308 Lobby UCL to evaluate enhancing the lighting infrastructure across campus Equity & Inclusion Officer Ongoing Union Executive
UP2307 Lobby to end UCL’s relationship with arms companies President Ongoing Union Executive
UP2306 UCL Should Provide Cheap Meals President Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2305 Pronoun Integration at UCL Equity & Inclusion Officer Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2304 Food Information Posters Welfare & Community Officer Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2303 Closing the Taster Membership Electoral Loophole Activities & Engagement Officer Ongoing Activities Zone
UP2302 Good Night Out Training Welfare & Community Officer Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2301 Scrutiny of Union Processes by Student Media Activities & Engagement Officer Ongoing Activities Zone
UP2211 Plant-based Food Policy President Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2210 Use of Amazon Vouchers and Products President Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2209 Supporting Students in Sex Work Equity & Inclusion Officer Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2208 The Union should bring all outsourced support staff at UCL in-house President Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone
UP2207 Including the Latino community as part of Enrolment data Education Officer Ongoing Welfare & Community Zone