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This advice applies to postgraduate results from the 2023/24 academic year.

Postgraduate results day is on Monday 25 November 2024.
Congratulations on all your hard work getting to this point. We know this can be a stressful time so we’ve put together some useful information about what happens next.

Results Day

You should receive your marks and confirmation of award to your UCL email address on Monday 25 November and be able to view them on Portico from Tuesday 26 November.  

Different programmes use different rules to calculate your final classification. You can find the standard regulations in the Academic Manual (Section 10 Classification).

Deferred an assessment or taking a second attempt?

If you have failed an assessment or exam, your department should contact you before your official results being released. They will let you know how this impacts your award and if you need to do anything.

If you have deferred coursework, your dissertation or departmentally managed assessments still to do, your department will let you know how and when you need to do this.

Unhappy with your results?

If you are unhappy with your results, or would just like some general feedback, you may want to contact your department or personal tutor to arrange a time to discuss this. Staff can offen help you understand what happened with your assessments without needing to raise an issue more formally.

UCL's Student Support and Wellbeing Services are also on hand if you would like to talk about how you feel and what you want to do next. You can find more information about the support they can offer on results day here.

If you have reason to believe that UCL’s academic regulations and related procedures were not followed correctly in the marking of your assessments, you may want to consider submitting an academic appeal. However, please note that it is not possible to submit an appeal on the basis of academic judgement. This means that appeals will not be considered on the grounds that you disagree with the examiners’ assessment of your work. This is because all assessments will already have undergone a rigorous marking and moderating process.

You can also submit an academic appeal if there were circumstances which significantly affected your performance in your assessments, but you were unable to submit an Extenuating Circumstances request at the time. Please note however that you will need to provide compelling reasons with supporting evidence to show why you were unable to notify your department of these circumstances during your assessments.

Not knowing about UCLs processes, or not realising that your performance had been affected until after seeing your results, would not normally count as compelling reasons for an appeal.
Compelling reasons for not raising issues or difficulties at the time of the exam might include things like being hospitalised or seriously unwell, and being unable to complete administrative processes.

Certificate and Transcripts

You should receive an email from Student Operations with your confirmed results/award on the 25 November 2024.  Once you have received your official results email, you will be able to access a self-serve E-transcript and Statement of Award from the 26 November 2024.

If you have completed your degree, you should receive your degree certificate and a copy of your official transcript to your home address within around 3 months from the date of award. 

Y0u will also be able to access an E-certificate via the Gradintel platform from 4 December 2024.

You can find more information about transcripts and certificates on the UCL website here.


If you have any questions about your graduation, start by checking the Graduation FAQs. 

Money and Budgeting

If results day has impacted your future financial plans or if you find yourself experiencing financial hardship, contact the Advice Service to speak to one of our Money and Budgeting Advisors for tailored and confidential support. You can also see what financial support is available here.

If you would like some further advice about any issues relating to your results, you can contact our Advice Service via our online contact form here.

If you are contacting us about your results or making an Academic Appeal, we will usually offer you advice by email due to the volume of requests we receive.