Election post


Hi!  My name's Sophia! You can always find me out and about and I love to boogie. I LOVE snowsports and have been to almost every training and have found it to be such fun and welcoming community to be a part of! I would love to continue all the hard work that has been put into making every social super fun and have some cool ideas for next years socials. I would also love to plan some collaborative events with other societies, such as a rounders tournament, so we can become more integrated within TeamUCL! Attending workshops such as creating a safe space for women has allowed me to understand that we should include more non-drinking orientated events to include everyone :) 

As an ex-brownies leader, I have extensive experience working with children so I'm ready to deal with any immature behaviour from freshers or other members of snowsports. I also have loads of experienced in planning events eg. my school's prom!! My amazing powers of persuasion will mean that we will always have the most people going to Scala and socials will be bigger and better than ever.  I think that I would be a good fit for this role as I am outgoing, approachable and love meeting new people. Being a part of snowsports has been the highlight of my first year at UCL and i would love to continue the warm and friendly atmosphere I was met with.