Election post


Keeping the Singaporean culture and spirit alive while we're away from home is extremely important to me. Don't we all get a feeling of comfort and warmth upon hearing the familiar Singlish being spoken? As such, I want to be able to play a part in bringing Singaporeans together, especially in an environment we are mostly unfamiliar with - to help freshers settle in and create opportunities for fellow Singaporeans to come together, interact and make new friends (like CNY dinner and mahjong night!)

Events planning is something that I have always loved and enjoyed - there’s something about being able to pull an event together and seeing participants enjoying themselves and having fun. I am running for Vice President to combine my two loves together - organising events and Singapore.

I would like to hold more mini and informal socials for Singaporeans to get to know each other (including potlucks maybe? Food is the way to all Singaporeans’ hearts, right?), create a channel for feedback (to hear any amazing ideas you guys might have!), strengthen the SingSoc family system and overall, just create a warmer home away from home for all:”)

As Vice President, I promise that I will keep my ears and hearts (and kitchen) open to all!