Election post


Hi everyone!

I am Elena, a first year economics undergraduate. As part of SingSoc's Junior Committee this year, I have helped to organise various events such as the UCLSS Picnic, Mahjong Night and the upcoming Spring Ball! I found it really fun to work with fellow Singaporeans to plan activities that bring the Singapore community closer, reminding us of home in a faraway country. I understand the importance for SingSoc to have a diversity of events for us to meet new friends to bear the cold winter with together, hence, as the Director of Engagements, I hope to roll out more events that can bridge the gap between individuals who will otherwise be strangers. My vision includes holding more small-scale events aimed at creating a cosy environment where people can bond over some delicacies, and joining hands with SingSocs across London or even UK to form a close-knitted circle of Singaporeans. After all, connections should not be restricted within UCL, right?

I am passionate, responsible, fun-loving and more importantly, someone who can establish good rapport with others. If I am elected, I promise to create more flagship events to spice up your London life and come up with interesting ways to make the events even more memorable for our members! Being 10000km away from home is not easy sometimes, thus I hope to make SingSoc a second home where we can seek comfort from when we are missing our favourite $3 banmian.