Election post


Greetings nerds, nerdettes, and eldritch beings! I'm Eva/Bolter (they/them), and I'm running for Treasurer because of how much this society means to me, and how much I want to be able to give something back to it!

In this wild ride of a year, SFFS events have kept many of us going and brought a ton of fun, friendship, and regularity into our (otherwise currently pretty unpredictable) lives, and I could not be more thankful to the existing committee for everything they've done! And I mean EVERYTHING, as I think I've been to pretty much every single event??? To support and give back to the society that I love so much, I hope to literally help the society exist (within this capitalist hell of a society) in terms of funds!

Some of the reasons I think I'd be a good fit for the job:

- I am good with money! I gotta perfect credit score, and I love Maths and budgeting =D

- I don't know how to embezzle, so you don't have to worry about that!

- I love teamwork and will work my hardest to support all the other committee members!

- I like shiny things and treasure (dragon behaviour)

I really hope to be able to help continue making SFFS the best it can be for all of you!