Election post


Hi, I'm Martha,

I'm currently your events officer (the pirate on discord or the photo below as Toadette)! You might have seen me at film nights (usually a Ghibli film), murder mysteries, our balls, and other events which I organise! You may have also seen me having my hair cut by Georgia on Instagram for charity.

I've spent two terms meeting our wonderful members and learning how the society runs. It has put me in an amazing position to run the society, I know how everything does and should work. I have spent too much time on Eventbrite, agonising over Pinterest boards, seeing how room bookings are made, and helping with our regularly scheduled events. I am an organised and committed member of the society who has fulfilled the promises of my role, minus a Trapped night (still working that one out logistically). I won't go on about myself too much more, but I really care about this society. I have met kind, wonderful people and I want the society to continue to be a place for all types of nerds.

My Goals:

-Keep SFFS inclusive and amazing (I am very biased here)

-Ensure everything keeps running smoothly

-Expand the board game and RPG library

-Somehow include Taylor Swift into an event

-Collab with other societies

-Run a Trapped event NO MATTER WHAT!

-Organise more trips to nerdy theatre, museum and gallery events

-Run a charity play

-Run workshops on DMing and other skills!