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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run18 Mar 2022
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running8
Available positions2
Total ballots80
Valid votes80
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Sola Morota-Alakija [7464]2.00
Madeline Choi [7522]22.00
Amelia McGarvey [7912]11.00
Aryan T Khawaja [8965]3.00
Sophiya Sian [9385]13.00
Alexia Mihaila [9427]21.00
Sungleen Moon [9757]7.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 26.67. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Sola Morota-Alakija [7464]0.00
Madeline Choi [7522]23.00
Amelia McGarvey [7912]11.00
Aryan T Khawaja [8965]0.00
Sophiya Sian [9385]15.00
Alexia Mihaila [9427]21.00
Sungleen Moon [9757]9.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Sola Morota-Alakija [7464], Aryan T Khawaja [8965], and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 26.34. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Sola Morota-Alakija [7464]0.00
Madeline Choi [7522]25.00
Amelia McGarvey [7912]13.00
Aryan T Khawaja [8965]0.00
Sophiya Sian [9385]15.00
Alexia Mihaila [9427]23.00
Sungleen Moon [9757]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Sungleen Moon [9757]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 25.34. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 4
Sola Morota-Alakija [7464]0.00
Madeline Choi [7522]29.00
Amelia McGarvey [7912]0.00
Aryan T Khawaja [8965]0.00
Sophiya Sian [9385]17.00
Alexia Mihaila [9427]25.00
Sungleen Moon [9757]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Amelia McGarvey [7912]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 23.67. Candidates Madeline Choi [7522] and Alexia Mihaila [9427] have reached the threshold and are elected.

Winners are Madeline Choi [7522] and Alexia Mihaila [9427].


Sophiya Sian

The conversation surrounding a film can be just as powerful as the film itself. As Editor-in-Chief of the Film Journal and Podcast, I will encourage the creative talent at UCL to experiment, collaborate and cultivate a voice within this conversation. As an aspiring creative journalist, this role is an exciting opportunity to help grow the scale, reach and creative power of this community. Prior to the Film Soc blog, I worked on commissioned projects including a magazine where I gathered, edited and organised articles submitted by a range of writers. Having also contributed to the podcasts and blogs of local arts organisations, I am eager to channel my skills into helping you evolve our blog and podcast through:

Fortnightly Features: A film-related prompt offering creative freedom beyond the review format.
Blog Takeover: Pitch ideas for a termly takeover, where all is themed around the winning concept.
Swap Series: A collaborative podcast where members swap and discuss themed suggestions.

Our blog and podcast are conversational spaces with little real-life interaction, so I will bring a sense of community through café socials, where we chat about your ideas and offer each other feedback, and through supporting members to reach out and interview experts in the London film scene. By combining innovation and collaboration with my own enthusiasm and experience, we can contribute to a conversation as powerful as the films we admire.

Amelia McGarvey

Hello! I'm Amelia and I'm running to be one of the editors in chief of the film journal and podcast!

It sounds cliché, but I have always enjoyed reading about, writing about, and discussing film. I was reading reviews and studying the theory long before I ever held a camera, and so I guess you could say my passion for film really originated in these processes of research, analysis and discussion more than anywhere else. As an English student, I'm accustomed to thinking critically about the art I love, and, as an English student, I'm also used to talking a lot...

I like to think I'd do a good job as EIC of the journal and podcast. I have experience in journalism and editing and have written on film in the past, including whilst here at UCL. Previously, I was Co-EIC of my school magazine and so I spent a lot of time editing articles as well as working on my own, often based around cinema. I'd say I have a pretty good finger on the pulse of contemporary cinema but also an awareness of cinematic history and of course I'd always be careful not to let my own opinions or preferences cloud my discourse. It goes without saying that I'd be sure to use my platform to give others the air to discuss the films they feel strongly about should I be editor in chief. I know there can sometimes be an air of pretension associated with film writing, but I would make sure to keep our journal/podcast an accessible and exciting outlet for discussion as it has always been.

Aryan T Khawaja

A passion for film requires an environment conducive to its development. I believe that as Editor-in-Chief (EiC), I could help cultivate this environment amongst the members of the Film & TV society.

Having written extensively about cinematic form for publications in both Pakistan and the UK, I understand the intricacies of the editing process. I plan to ensure the individuality of expression by promoting diversity in discourse styles. I’d also love to see an emphasis upon critical re-evaluations and engagement with the cultural contexts of global cinema, such as traditions of leftism within Tamil cinema. In writing an acclaimed piece for the LEAFF YFCP, I discovered the importance of situating cinema in the cultural context of its creation, and this is something I’d like to see reflected in the society, such as through weekly film criticism workshops for members.

As the former editor of a high school yearbook, I am well aware of the practical considerations of publication, which is why, as EiC, I would introduce preliminary timelines and regular feedback to streamline reviews/podcasts, placing the focus on what is created, not the factors that affect the process of creation. In addition, introducing video essays as another form of expression within the society would act as a valuable intersection between criticism and key filmmaking skills, such as editing. As EiC, I believe that I could render the society one that changes as fluidly as cinema itself.

Sola Morota-Alakija

Growing up in six countries and coming from four continents has given me an immense appreciation for the value of perspectives and the arts in giving a platform to the voiceless. This is at the core of my passion for cinema, an industry I have wanted to go into since I was five years old. Therefore, I want to take every opportunity to engage further with this incredible medium. As an English undergraduate student, I spend most of my time developing my writing technique and reading literary criticisms, making me a qualified candidate to review and edit the Film Journal. I am enthusiastic and hardworking when it comes to things I love, such as this, and want to bring that energy to the Film Society's online presence. 

Madeline Choi

My name is Madeline and I'm a BA English student. Having written several reviews for the journal and with experience as EIC of my highschool's magazine, I am running for 2022/23 EIC because of my interest in maintaining and developing the journal/podcast with greater momentum. 

Through the journal, I was able to attend film festivals, be mentored by a Telegraph film critic and cover films with director Q&As. I wish to extend the opportunities that I gained as a writer to devoting my passion to the role of EIC. 

As EIC, I will strive to: 

  • Maximise the journal's creative potential by engaging with new and experienced writers on a more regular, concrete basis by holding monthly round-up meetings (creating an outlet to share ideas, delegating material to writers and establishing a timeline for writing/publishing) 
  • Connect with aspiring writers who don't know where to begin through engagement with experienced film critics/reviewers and writing workshops 
  • See the journal/podcast reach new levels of diverse content: maintaining the concurrent coverage on mainstream/independent films but placing a greater emphasis on non-film review material (e.g. interviewing industry professionals and aspiring filmmakers, film essays in line with the society's screenings and covering the society's workshops) 

Vote for me and we can see the journal/podcast reach new heights! 

Alexia Mihaila

My name is Alexia Mihaila and I am an undergrad Arts & Sciences student re-running as Co-EIC! I absolutely loved being an EIC this year and I have learned a lot on how I could turn the Blog, now rebranded as Journal, into an even better quality and versatile outlet! Moreover, I am keen on fortifying our relationship with the festivals we have just started covering this year, such as Slamdance.

I plan to:

--> Blog/Journal 

* Have more Journal team meet-ups and competitions to engage with our writers

* Have a broader range of content: transcribing our workshops, more film essays, reviewing Archived films

* Establish a partnership with and train Year Abroad students to cover international Film Festivals for the Journal (if only held in person)

* More collaboration with other societies 


* Organise clear schedules and motivate the team to stick to the imposed deadlines

* Organise multiple Podcast and audio recording workshops

* Organise interactive podcasts, having a live audience, if safe to do so, and interactive podcast challenges such as the fortnight podcast challenge


Vote for me, because I know I can continue making the Filmsoc Journal a powerful film-media outlet and because I really enjoy doing it and have already gained a lot of relevant skills as a current EIC to push the Journal and podcasts further! :)


Sungleen Moon

Hey! I’m Sungleen, a second-year English student and one of your current sub-editors for the journal. It might surprise you but I believe The Boss Baby (2017) is one of the greatest films of all time... 


After reading a review on Letterboxd (thanks Logan Kenny), I came to a cathartic realisation that it is a ground-breaking critique of the world we live in. If a few sentences can make me love all the intricacies of The Boss Baby, then anything is possible with a passionately argued review!


Reviews expose readers to the different ways in which we can appreciate a film. Whether it is an essay or a podcast series appreciating The Boss Baby, I would warmly welcome a wide range of ideas. I would also encourage a diverse range of films to be promoted, which could happen via more thematic and collaborative pieces. Holding workshops would be encouraging too!


It has been a pleasure to have written reviews since my first year and worked within a team of editors during my second year — I thoroughly enjoyed sub-editing your work! External to the journal, I was a Young Critic at the EIFF last year where I had the opportunity to learn more about writing, editing, and podcasting with industry professionals!

I aim to be well organised in order to publish regular content and continue to allow readers/ listeners to appreciate all the different kinds of films out there. Maybe one day, more people can appreciate The Boss Baby too!