Election post


My name is Alexia Mihaila and I am an undergrad Arts & Sciences student re-running as Co-EIC! I absolutely loved being an EIC this year and I have learned a lot on how I could turn the Blog, now rebranded as Journal, into an even better quality and versatile outlet! Moreover, I am keen on fortifying our relationship with the festivals we have just started covering this year, such as Slamdance.

I plan to:

--> Blog/Journal 

* Have more Journal team meet-ups and competitions to engage with our writers

* Have a broader range of content: transcribing our workshops, more film essays, reviewing Archived films

* Establish a partnership with and train Year Abroad students to cover international Film Festivals for the Journal (if only held in person)

* More collaboration with other societies 


* Organise clear schedules and motivate the team to stick to the imposed deadlines

* Organise multiple Podcast and audio recording workshops

* Organise interactive podcasts, having a live audience, if safe to do so, and interactive podcast challenges such as the fortnight podcast challenge


Vote for me, because I know I can continue making the Filmsoc Journal a powerful film-media outlet and because I really enjoy doing it and have already gained a lot of relevant skills as a current EIC to push the Journal and podcasts further! :)