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Green Shoots is a foundation fighting poverty in Asia and Africa aiming to implement sustainable development programmes focused on promoting economic empowerment, providing education and facilitating medical aid access. This dinner was a fundraising project for their new Agri-Tech centre building in Cambodia which is to be inaugurated on 20 December.

Having lived in London for 3 years, I can now finally say that I visited the trendy area of Brixton. Our team of UCL volunteers arrived at the venue at 17:00 to help set up tables and prepare the kitchen for the imminent chaos of plating a three-course meal for the 50 attendees. Everything did run smoothly though with the commands of the skilled event leaders and it was all surprisingly fun. I had never tried Cambodian food before and it sure made our mouth water while serving it. Luckily, the amazing cook made extra, so we also had the chance to enjoy the delicious flavours of Cambodia. Plus, we were offered take-away boxes with all the leftovers YUM. Then came the dreaded part of clearing everything up but let’s just say that it was all for a good cause. You can learn more about the project here. 

Written by Kaoutar, One-Off Volunteering Ambassador.

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