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Hatha Flow Yoga is the branch of yoga that concentrates on physical health and mental well-being. Hatha yoga uses bodily postures (asanas ), breathing techniques (pranayama ), and meditation (dyana ) with the goal of bringing about a sound, healthy body and a clear, peaceful mind.

The class is beginner friendly and open to all fitness levels but be prepared to have a good workout!

Equipment: All equipment will be provided at the class, just bring a water bottle to stay hydrated!


Instructor: Hannah Legg: and website

Please make sure to fill out the Project Active participant registration and activity disclaimer form prior to the event.

All Project Active sessions are accessible and inclusive for all abilities.

Project Active offers you a wide range of beginner friendly activities from Barre Fitness to Touch Rugby.

You don’t have to be the fittest, fastest or strongest; Project Active is about feeling empowered and having fun, but most of all enjoying being active in whatever way works for you!
All Project Active sessions are accessible and inclusive for all abilities.

No commitment. No judgement. No experience needed.
Just beginner friendly, inclusive activity adapted to you.

Project Active Facebook  Project Active Instagram 

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly