Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

What is the Leadership Race?

Each year in March, every student at UCL votes to elect the leaders of clubs, societies and the Students’ Union. The people elected start work in the summer and spend the next academic year making more happen at UCL with the Union empowering them to make positive changes.

The Leadership Race is open to all. Thousands put themselves forward and thousands more turn out to vote. It all begins with registering your interest.

Why should I be a student leader?

For 130 years students leaders have been at the heart of shaping student life at UCL. From activities to activism, student life wouldn't exist without students, like you, leading the way.

Whether you're passionate about leading your society, want to represent your network, or take a year out to run as a Sabbatical Officer - there's a role for you and a space for you next year.

If you want to:

  • make a difference at UCL
  • develop skills in project management
  • have access to training opportunities
  • grow your network
  • develop your leadership style
  • lead and work as part of a dynamic team
  • develop skills in communications and campaigning
  • have the opportunity to put on vibrant events in the heart of London

then being a student leader is for you.

Being a student leader means being part of something bigger than yourself. It's being part of the UCL student body. It's being part of a community of passionate and powerful leaders. Nominate yourself as student leader and be part of the story.

How does the Leadership Race work?

Nominations then open on 29 January 2024 and close on 4 March 2024. You'll then have two weeks to campaign and get students on board with your manifesto and policies. Vote week runs from the 11-15 March with candidates being announced at 18:30 on Friday 15 March 2024.

What roles are available?

During the Leadership Race you can nominate yourself and vote for:

  • The six full-time Sabbatical Officers who lead the Students’ Union.
  • Student Officers, including the People of Colour (POC) Students’ Officer and Women’s Officer, who volunteer their time to represent students.
  • The president or treasurer of your society.
  • The president or treasurer of your sports club.
  • Networks
  • Student Trustees

What do Sabbatical officers do?

Sabbatical Officers are elected into a paid position by students for the academic year. They are elected to work full-time, representing students on the issues that matter to them, ensuring that students have the best possible experience. And really who can be a better voice of students than students themselves? They choose key issues to focus on based on feedback from students and draw up manifestos which are public declarations of policies and aims to work towards. Throughout the term as an officer, you'll be working to make your promises a reality and it's always rewarding to see your ideas come into fruition with a lot of hard work.

  • Help plan campaigns, events, and activities for their students and campus.
  • They are a point of contact and help share the opinions and concerns of students.
  • They attend Union and University meetings.
  • They work with our other student representatives. 
  • Work to achieve their manifesto objectives.

Any questions?

Get int touch with the Representation and Democracy team, should you have any further questions - [email protected]