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We’re led by students. But what does that mean? Well, it means you’ve got the power to change what the Union is, what it does and what it believes. But do you have any idea how to do it?

How you can change the Union

The Union is an organisation run democratically. You elect people each year who, through a series of campaigns and projects, make things happen. You also have the chance to bring your own ideas for change to life, by taking your idea to a Union meeting and getting people in the room to vote for it. This all sounds simple, but in reality, it’s harder than it should be. So, we’re changing it.

We’ve been doing lots of research all year on how to make democracy in the Union simple. We’ve visited other Unions, local councils and talked to lots of students. We’ve re-designed how decision -making in the Union works and we think we’ve got something great coming in the new academic year.

From next year, if you have an idea to make life at UCL better, tell us! We’ll take your idea to the relevant zone; Welfare and Community, Activities, or Education. You can also take an idea to a zone yourself. A zone will consist of a group of students who meet regularly and all care about the same things.

We’ll help make your idea happen. You can be part of the relevant zone and work with other students to find the best way to make your idea a reality. We want your experience and expertise to help make the change you want.

Got a big idea? Ideas that impact lots of students or have big financial implications will be put to an all-student vote.

No more bureaucracy and general assemblies. Just ideas and action.

Also in the mix for next year, we’re going to make it easier for you to hold your elected representatives to account. A year is a short time, but we know you want to more from your elected representatives. We’re making it easier than ever to make sure they’re working for you.

So, look out for these changes coming soon. Have a read through the FAQs on the democracy review, and come along to the last ever Union Council and see these changes come into effect.