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In June 2018, as part of our 125 birthday celebrations, we’re aiming to raise £4,000 for the Sarah Douglas Hardship Fund.

Although everything you spend in Union outlets finds its way back to improving your student experience, all throughout June we’re ring-fencing 12.5p from the sale of every hot drink we sell in our cafés and putting the money straight in to the Sarah Douglas Hardship Fund.

We will also be under-taking a 125 hour cycle to raise money for the Fund. You'll be able to donate or cheers us on at Bloomsbury Fitness on 30 and 31 May, and in the Main Quad and Wilkins Terrace on 1 June for the final leg. Or, if you're not around, you can donate online too.

The Sarah Douglas Hardship Fund

Launched in 2013, the fund is named after a member of Union staff who sadly died after a ten-month battle with cancer. Sarah worked at the Union between 1988 and 2006 and dedicated her time to improving the welfare of UCL students in many different ways. She was an inspiring and caring person, who is greatly missed by many, many people.

After asking her family how best we could remember her, we created the Sarah Douglas Hardship Fund to help UCL students overcome temporary hardship problems during their studies. The fund is managed and distributed to students by our dedicated Advice team. If you ever find a need for emergency support, please get in touch with them. 

You can help support the fund by continuing to use your Union cafés all throughout June.